On the Christmas holidays we traveled to our friends in Czechia. It sounds simple, but it was not. Firstly our other friend from Swiss came to Kaiserslautern by bus and on the next day three of us plus Shaya drove to Prague. Then we spent there 2 days and moved to Brno, where our friends study. There we lived another 3 days and just before the New Year Eve we drove back to home.
So, in details with photos!
The way to Prague was so fast and clear, that we didn't make a photo. It was a holiday, so almost no other cars on the autobahn, no repair of the street, just the empty clean road and we get the maximum speed, that our small Panda could give us)
And we successfully met our friends near the Hostel and went for the round-walk through the city:
The first goal was the park near the rider-monument. I like the sculpture but has no idea, who is it...

And a lot of wonderful views:

We are on the square near the rider:

We also visited a Christmas market, but it was full of crowd, that only a photo of the tree and souvenirs will be here

People and decorated street

Very popular photo in the Prague, we also couldn't resist to make it

Suddenly we met it!
It was some kind of museum, I think.
Continue with the military topic:
Nice, isn't it? Actually, the sculpture is about the brotherhood, but to be honest I don't have this relationship with my brother, so I would prefer to think about them in other plot...
Then we just were on the streets and could not go away without taking a photo of this nice bar:
It was very unexpected to meet apples on the tree at the end of December

On the Karlov bridge there were huge crowd of people, so I preferred to make a photo downside:

Shaya was with us all the time

Then we went to Hradchany and made a lot of pictures of the city:
As you can see on the photo the rider, we were on the other side of the city!
The next day we drove to Brno, the car was full of people, so Schaya was with Tio on the front passenger seat

We checked in a hostel in the downtown, and it was really loud at nights so we including Shaya could not sleep well. It was better in the morning))

And next day we walked through the city:
Brno is the second biggest city in Czechia and it has two big universities. One of them is Masaryk University named after the first president of Czechoslovakia.
During our walk we met a numerous marvelous churches and cloisters
We were surprised to meet a German sport society building
One monk in the park
The weather was great and we enjoyed our walk and view on the city.

We had a break with hot wine and soap bubbles
Our photo from the biggest castle of Brno - Spilberk

This is a castle itself
The Sun decorates buildings
Time to time we saw a street art, but this we liked especially
All the time we felt a city soul through such a detail

Colorful building, I can't imagine how feel people who see a back of the man every time they see through a window
Cafes and food we like in Czechia very much! It is tasty and cheap!

We walked with a dog in the morning and caught exactly the moment

The road back was amazing but extremely difficult - we drove through a frozen wood and sun was so painfully bright. Then we go through the fog and later on we managed almost without seeing a road last two hours in the night because of the fog.

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