The first was about different eras of trains, the second about history of the castle and its role in German history.

In this report, I will be very short in words, almost only photos, so enjoy.
We have seen the advertisement about the Rail Road museum for a long time, but never visited it before. Partly because when we visit Neustadt we go straightly to the forest or to the city center, partly becuase we were sure that dogs are not allowed there. Tio was at work and it was only Nerr with guests. The mother was supposed to stay with Schaya outside while others would go inside, but surprisingly Schaya was welcomed there!

The museum is small and local, but very nice.

There is a old train, that is used once per month as a touristic entertainment. This day it was just staying open in depot, so we could walk through it.

Here passengers could make themselves coffee or something, as we understood.

Old trains are delivered to the museum are usually in such state...

So, as promised, just photos:

Schaya is waiting for me

Continue walking...

This is a restaurant waggon from previous century

The father is waiting his train.

A rail bike!

And a hand railcar

Then we went to the castle Hambacher Schloss.

The view from it on the town

The castle is considered a symbol of the German democracy movement because of the Hambacher Fest which occurred here in 1832. It was the first republican demonstration in Germany after French Revolution. The demonstration was covered as a folk festival, so the Bavarian administration could not ban it.
One exhibition shows hats of different types of people, who participated in the demo, for example, a frant, a maid, a soldat, and some others. Sitting under the hat you can activate a sound track, as an owner of the hat thinks about importance of the demonstration, and why they partake in it. Also visitors can try to imagine themselves as a participant of the fest.

Then went back to the city centre for dinner.

The end for the museum day, the next report from Kassel!
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