Saturday, April 16, 2016

Pfalzwald, Wildpark, 10. and 16.04.2016

The weather was super, so we wanted to find a way through the forest to Uni. It was so nice, so we decided to repeat the trip also one week ago, then with friends. In general our route was:

The nearest church to us, it is really beautiful.

There was a meeting of bikers

That kind of car we want to buy some day

One day also we will learn to play guitar and drums, so this is a good place to do it! Modern music school

Somewhere in the forest... We want to know where exactly)

Shaya makes everything better!

And me too! She makes me better, I mean)

And Tio too)

The spring, yes, it is here!

We already went from Uni and go directly to home. So, very nice flowers around in town.

See us later)

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